Daniel Hutton Ferris
Lecturer in Political Theory and Philosophy
Newcastle University
I'm a political theorist at Newcastle University.
Before coming to Newcastle I was a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University's Center for Ethics and studied in Oxford, Frankfurt and Toronto.
My main research interest is in democratic theory; I interpret and evaluate novel forms of representation and participation.
I also work on the history of political thought and comparative political theory.
"Lottocracy or Psephocracy? Democracy, Elections, and Random Selection"
European Journal of Political Theory, online first.
American Journal of Political Science, online first.
Click here for a short summary on the AJPS blog.
"Democratic Peace Beyond Westphalia: Kang and Kant"
Comparative Political Theory, Vol 3, Issue 1 (2023)
"Civic Virtue in the Deliberative System"
Journal of Deliberative Democracy, Vol. 15, Issue 1 (2019).
Work in Progess
An article evaluating the democratic credentials of north-American Indigenous customary governments.
An article on democratic responsiveness and ranked choice voting in the US.
An article developing a theory of democratic writing, with Zak Black.
Other Writing
Review of Simone Chambers, Contemporary Democratic Theory, at Review of Politics, forthcoming.
"Kang Youwei: the revolutionary thinker and reformer behind modern China's transformation", at The Conversation, 2024.​